Children’s Eye Exams in Fort Worth

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Focusing on Your Family

It’s never too early to focus on your children’s eye health and vision. Their sense of sight is important at every age and every stage of development.

Not to worry if your child is nervous for their eye exam. Our optometrists are experienced with children and can put them at ease. Many kids even think their eye exams are fun! And, if your child does need glasses, we offer a wide selection of colors and styles that will make them smile—in durable materials that will make you smile too!

Book their appointment today to set them up for success—and a lifetime of healthy vision.

When Do Children Need Eye Exams?

The American Optometric Association recommends that children have exams at the following intervals:

  • A comprehensive exam to establish a baseline between the ages of 6 and 12 months
  • Another comprehensive exam as they grow and develop between the ages of 3 and 5
  • Annual, comprehensive exams starting before 1st grade and continuing until adulthood

Proper vision is essential for children’s success—in life and in academics. Beyond just seeing what’s in front of them at school, visual skills are needed for social, cognitive, and motor skill development.

Book their eye exam today!

Valuable Visual Skills

Children aren’t born with the visual skills they need—they develop them over time, just like they develop the ability to walk and talk.

Good visual skills are essential to learning. Approximately 80% of what children learn happens through their vision. Whether it’s reading, interacting with other kids, throwing a ball around outside, or seeing what the teacher writes on the board, eyesight is involved.

If you want to set them up for success, it’s essential that visual skills are developing normally. Children who start school with undiagnosed vision problems may struggle to keep up in class. They may be misdiagnosed with ADHD or another behavioral disorder.

Undiagnosed vision problems can also lead to:

  • Learning at a slower rate than their peers
  • Behavioral and disciplinary problems
  • Higher risk of dropping out of school

Stages of Sight

There are many milestones in a baby’s visual progression. Here’s what to expect at some critical stages:

  • Birth to 4 Months: Your baby’s vision is improving rapidly at this stage. They should be focusing on nearby objects and faces and begin to reach for things.
  • 5 to 8 Months: A 3-dimensional view of the world begins to form, as does color vision.
  • 9 to 12 Months: Babies begin to grasp objects and can judge distances.
  • 1 to 2 Years: Hand-eye coordination and depth perception should be well-developed.

As babies grow and develop, you can help encourage their healthy visual development by playing games with them. Use the classic games like peek-a-boo and patty-cake, provide objects that can be explored with the hands and grasped, and play games that include dropping things and picking them up.

To ensure your child develops visual skills at the appropriate pace, be sure to bring them in for comprehensive eye exams.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs Glasses?

If they are experiencing a vision issue, children are often unable to articulate the problem—they might not even know there is a problem. Unlike adults, children have not established a baseline of what proper vision looks like for them.

Bringing your child for regular eye exams can help establish that baseline. We can help detect any vision problems early on. Book their appointment today!

Packs Unlimited Plan: Save Money, See Well

Want to help your child always have the glasses they need to succeed? With Packs Unlimited, you can stress less about your child losing or breaking their eyewear. Our plan offers convenient, affordable access to a replacement pair.

Here’s how it works:

  • Get the annual Packs Unlimited plan for $99.
  • Select a children’s frame and lens set for only $25.
  • When a replacement is needed, visit us to pick up the same set for only $25.
  • Same-day pickup is available.
  • We have over 300 frames to choose from.

Want to know more? Give us a call or book an appointment. We’re here to help.


En Pack Optical, nos esforzamos por ofrecer atención para el cuidado de los ojos a pacientes de diferentes grupos etnicos y condiciones sociales. Es por eso que estamos encantados de ofrecer servicio en español para nuestros pacientes de habla hispana. La Dr. Poonawala y su equipo siempre están buscando nuevas maneras de ser inclusivos, en la prestación de servicios para nuestros pacientes de habla hispana es uno de los grandes pasos de accesibilidad que hemos tomado.

Esperamos poder darle la bienvenida a nuestra clínica y ser su destino para el cuidado de los ojos en Fort Worth. Programe su cita hoy.


At Pack Optical, we’re thrilled to offer service in Spanish for our Spanish-speaking patients. Dr. Poonawala and her team are always looking for ways to be inclusive, and providing services for our Spanish-speaking patients is one of the accessibility steps we’ve taken.

We look forward to welcoming you to our practice and being your destination for eye care in Forth Worth. Schedule your appointment today.

Our Location

Find us 10 minutes from downtown Fort Worth, on Airport Freeway right between Beach St and Haltom Rd.

Our Address

  • 1217 Oak Knoll Drive
  • Fort Worth, TX 76117

Contact Us

Clinic Hours

  • Monday: 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday: 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Thursday: 7:30 AM 5:30 PM
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Blogs

Can Radiofrequency Tighten Loose Skin?

Dry Eye, Radiofrequency

Radiofrequency, or RF for short, is a treatment used in both aesthetic treatments and eye care. Radiofrequency can tighten loose skin on many parts of the body, including the face. It’s a quick procedure tailored to your face, neck, and jawline, and a great non-surgical, minimally invasive alternative to a facelift. Optometrists also use radiofrequency […]

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August 23, 2024
Pack Optical

What is IPL & RF Treatment for Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

Living with dry eye can feel like a daily struggle. That constant irritation? It’s like a sandstorm in your eye while trying to focus on work or leisure activities. However, you’re not alone. Dry eye disease affects millions worldwide. Fortunately, we’re finding new ways to manage it all the time. IPL and RF treatments utilize […]

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June 28, 2024
Pack Optical

How Often Should You Have an Eye Exam?

Eye Exams, Eye Health

Adults and seniors should have an eye exam every year, children once between the ages of 3 and 5, and annually once they start school. Based on your eye health and vision needs, your eye doctor may recommend more frequent exams.  […]

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May 23, 2024
Pack Optical
A young woman smiles while she receives a radiofrequency treatment

Radiofrequency, or RF for short, is a treatment used in both aesthetic treatments and eye care. Radiofrequency can tighten loose skin on many parts of the body, including the face. It’s a quick procedure tailored to your face, neck, and jawline, and a great non-surgical, minimally invasive alternative to a facelift. Optometrists also use radiofrequency […]

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A woman with closed eyes gently touches and winces in pain at her dry eyes

Living with dry eye can feel like a daily struggle. That constant irritation? It’s like a sandstorm in your eye while trying to focus on work or leisure activities. However, you’re not alone. Dry eye disease affects millions worldwide. Fortunately, we’re finding new ways to manage it all the time. IPL and RF treatments utilize […]

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A woman smiles and sits across from her optometrist during an eye exam appointment.

Adults and seniors should have an eye exam every year, children once between the ages of 3 and 5, and annually once they start school. Based on your eye health and vision needs, your eye doctor may recommend more frequent exams.  […]

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