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Can Vision Therapy Help Adults?

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The eyes are one of the most important organs in the body. They’re responsible for helping us see clearly and perform tasks like reading, driving, and playing sports. But if you have trouble viewing an object steadily, or difficulties with depth perception or motion detection, these problems could be due to a vision disorder.

Read on as a Saginaw, TX optometrist discusses vision therapy and how this innovative treatment can benefit adults. 

How the Brain and Vision Work Together

The eyes are connected to the brain through the optic nerve. When any part of this system is not functioning properly, it can lead to vision problems. 

Some people have better vision than others because their brains are more efficient at processing visual information. Sometimes, however, a person’s brain does not process information efficiently enough for them to see clearly.

The brain’s ability to process visual information relies on your eyes’ ability to receive and transmit visual data correctly. When this system is not functioning properly, it can lead to vision problems.

Can Vision Therapy Help Adults?

Many people believe that vision therapy is only for children. However, the fact is an estimated 30% of adults who wear glasses or contact lenses need vision therapy. 

Vision therapy is a type of treatment that helps correct a patient’s vision by altering the way they use their eyes. This can be done in a number of ways, including eye exercises, playing games that help improve focus, and wearing corrective lenses.

Vision therapy can help adults with:

  • Glare sensitivity  
  • Stress-related headaches and migraines
  • Reading problems (especially if you have trouble seeing small print or have trouble focusing on words)
  • Computer vision syndrome (redness, dry eyes, and/or blurred vision)
  • Light sensitivity in general
  • Nearsightedness 
  • Farsightedness 
  • Astigmatism
  • Strabismus (misaligned eyes) or crossed eyes
  • Lazy eye syndrome
  • Double vision at distance or when reading
  • Blurry vision 

On a more general level, adult patients often benefit from visual therapy to improve hand-eye coordination for sports performance, driving skills, as well as improved quality of life.


Whether you’re an adult or a child, if you’re experiencing vision problems, it’s important to talk to your optometrist about the possibility of vision therapy. With the right treatment and exercises, many people can benefit from this therapy. 

If you have more questions or wish to schedule a consultation, please feel free to call us, your local Saginaw, TX optometrists today!

Written by Pack Optical

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