Finding out your child has myopia or nearsightedness may not be the best news, but, fortunately, it’s easily treatable. Glasses and contact lenses work well at restoring 20/20 vision, however, these solutions don’t treat the underlying cause of myopia. This means your child’s nearsightedness can still get worse if the underlying problem goes untreated. Preventing […]
Can Dry Eyes Be Serious?
If you experience or have experienced dry eyes, you’re not alone. Nearly seven percent of American adults live with this condition. Eye dryness happens for different reasons, many of which can be easily remedied, but some can become serious if left untreated. Much like any other health problem, the more often you experience eye dryness, the […]
How Do You Know If You Have Binocular Vision Dysfunction?
Your eyes and their ability to see rely on a range of different functions, each of which is needed to have good vision. The term “binocular vision dysfunction” may be one of those phrases you’ve heard in passing but don’t really know what it means. You’re not alone. In fact, many people suffer from binocular […]
How Does LASIK Co-Management Work?
LASIK eye surgery has a proven track record of correcting a range of eye conditions, including astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. Performed in an in-office setting, LASIK offers a safe, convenient, and effective alternative to corrective eyewear. As quick and easy as it may be, LASIK is still a surgical procedure, all the same. For this […]
How Learning-Related Vision Problems Affect Reading Skills in Children
Most people think of vision problems in terms of acuity or the ability to see images and objects clearly. What’s not well-known is vision encompasses a range of functional skills involving how your eyes work together and how your eyes deliver information to the brain. Not surprisingly, deficits in functional visual skills can interfere with […]
Reverse Nearsightedness With Ortho-K Contact Lenses
Glasses and contact lens wears know all too well the inconvenience that comes with having to wear corrective eyewear. Glasses not only take away from your appearance but can also be a hassle in rainy or steamy conditions. And contact lenses require repeated cleaning, not to mention how uncomfortable they feel if you happen to have dry […]
How Vision Problems Can Interfere With Stroke Recovery
As essential as vision is to navigating everyday life, many people aren’t aware of the different aspects of vision that affect our lives. Along with being able to see clearly, your eyes work together with your brain in a functional capacity, influencing your thinking, memory, perceptions, and even your balance and coordination. For these reasons, […]
March Is Workplace Eye Wellness Month
Workplace eye injuries account for nearly 25,000 emergency room visits each year. To help spread awareness about eye safety, the organization, Prevent Blindness declares March as Workplace Eye Wellness Month. This designation is meant to serve as a reminder to employers and workers alike about the importance of eye health and safety. Organizers of Workplace […]